Friday, May 18, 2012

friday's musings...

things i am loving about this week:

  1. harper's handmade gifts and cards.  she made me the sweetest mother's day gifts all on her own.  she also made calvary a paper ninja with movable arms and legs...
  2. harper's creativity.
  3. finley playing sword fighting with oliver jack.
  4. oliver jack pretending to be a zombie.
  5. finley pretending to be a zombie. (i have no clue how either of them know about zombies)
  6. calvary's love for his teacher...although it makes me sad how hard it is for him to transition out of kindergarten.
  7. finley hanging from the bar at the park with those enormous cheeks squished together.
  8. oliver jack and finley at the fountain.
  9. summer break is almost here!
  10. harper helping calvary carry in his flowers for his teachers.
  11. calvary's much more frequent use of his words to express his feelings since using medication.
  12. my hydrangeas.
  13. the blueberry bush that my mom bought for me for mother's day.
  14. how simple it is to entertain little children...a fountain and a few pennies causes contagious joy.
  15. getting at the park so early that no one else is still there...and the dew is still all over the slides...
  16. playing anyway.
  17. calvary playing in the sand at the park...building tunnels and roads for his truck.
  18. hearing my children tell me that they love me.
  19. watching dennis the menace (1959) and laughing at how similar oliver jack is to dennis...
  20. ...and mr. levi is to mr. wilson.
  21. cleaning out my garage.
  22. harper hugging me so tightly before bed.
  23. kyle's steadfastness...he keeps me grounded :)
calvary at the park
harper's paper ninja for calvary
happy babies and a fountain
lots of cheeks

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