Saturday, December 24, 2011

friday's musings...

things i am loving about this week...
(late because i have been working diligently on my sewing machine)

  1. no school
  2. kyle taking days off of work
  3. honey baked hams
  4. honey smoked turkey breast
  5. sweet neighbors bringing gifts over to the kids
  6. the kids excitedly taking gifts to the neighbors
  7. making sugar cookies with the kids
  8. doing crafts with the kids
  9. hearing the kids understand the deeper reasons we celebrate christmas because of our time using the truth in the tinsel 
  10. harper, calvary, and oliver jack wrapping up their toys to give to each other and everyone else.  our christmas tree looks very impressive with the large amount of gifts underneath it as a result.
  11. coffee helping me stay awake so i can sew.
  12. jimmy fallon late night show...i've seen a lot of his face this week.

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