Friday, December 16, 2011

friday's musings...

things i am loving about this week...
  1. harper's generosity- she wants to give something to everyone and spends time diligently making and wrapping little gifts
  2. oliver jack telling people that he is going to be "this age" while holding up three fingers
  3. finley slept in her own bed the whole night last night (kind of sad too)
  4. calvary carrying in his very modest gifts for his teachers with such pride and excitement reminding me of the true spirit of christmas.
  5. finley licking her finger and sticking it in the sugar bowl.           
  6. harper and calvary finding four leaf clovers in our yard.
  7. finley bringing clothes to me and insisting that i put them on her...she is such a doll.
  8. watching shows on netflix with kyle even though i rarely make it past 9:00 because finley's random sleeping has kept me less than rested.
  9. kyle's upcoming work schedule.
  10. sending out christmas cards...finally!
  11. mr. levi bringing the kids inflatable balls to play with.
  12. making up games to play using the balls.
  13. watching my children understand the story of christmas.
  14. baking.
  15. calvary saying that he is glad that we have a girl elf because she is good at cooking.
  16. going downstairs at night to find harper and oliver jack snuggled up together asleep.
  17. watching finley and calvary play together...she can do no wrong in that little boy's world.
  18. harper drinking hot tea when she's sick.
  19. when something happens during the week and i say, "i've got to remember to put that on my list this week!".
  20. oliver jack telling me that he likes when i hold him because i am "soft".              

1 comment:

Traci said...

Your list never fails to make me happy!