Thursday, October 22, 2009

mother goose pales in comparison...

harper has been studying nursery rhymes at school this month and every day she comes home reciting a new one that she has learned. it has been entertaining to listen to her recite memories of my past but even more fun to listen to her botch the classics that have helped shaped so many childhoods.
in all of this, calvary simply thinks that harper is making up little rhymes and he always wants to play along.
on the way to school this morning, harper recited, "humpty dumpty sat on a wall. humpty dumpty had a great fall. all of the horses and men that work for the king couldn't fix humpty because he is an egg."
i laughed.
then calvary, not to be outdone by a goose, offered his own nursery rhyme:
"there once was an eyeball that sat in a tree. he fell off and broke his knee."
i laughed.
i only hope that they have children that are this funny one day.

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