Thursday, September 10, 2009

tough questions continued...

(riding in the car tonight)

harper: " i have a really good question."
me: "okay."
harper: " how do people get pregnant?"
me: " that is a good question..."


Leslie said...

Oh my.....

alli said...

let's keep her OFF that subject when our kids are together!!!!!

alli said...

OH, by the way...what did you say??????

Cassie said...

we gave her a detailed description of the process...
just kidding.
i actually tried the aversion tactic, "how do you think people get pregnant?"

Sandy said...

The first time that sort of question was posed of me, both children were present, they were very young (6 and 5) and it was in response to something that was stated at the beginning of a Focus on the Family radio broadcast of all things.

The question: "What IS sex, anyway?"

My answer: "Well, you are a male and your sister is a female and that is your sex...or gender some might say."

True enough and it ended the conversation--AND, I quickly turned off the radio. :)