Wednesday, September 23, 2009

oliver jack is 9 months old!

i can hardly believe how fast this year is racing by. i know it is an expression as old as time itself but i truly feel that i had hardly painted the nursery and now we are lowering the crib to its lowest setting so that the baby it was made for stays nicely inside!

oliver jack is full of life. i am so glad that kyle and i gave in to that feeling that we shouldn't be done after the first 2! i cannot imagine life without him. it is overwhelming to think that i could have just stuck with the original decision to have 2 and be done and life would be so different. i would probably be working still, harper would probably be going to a different school, we probably wouldn't be thinking of buying a new house or new car, but mostly our house would be so much quieter!

and for anyone that doubts the sovereignty of God, oliver jack's personality and fit into this household has to be divine evidence of God's perfect vision. i prayed for a laid back baby, but my idea of a laid back baby would have been more lazy. oliver jack definitely rolls with the day and whatever is thrown at us because there is NO STOPPING HIM! he just goes and goes and goes. i said that God's hand was obviously in his design for our family because the two older babies just adore him and he adores them. he allows them to do whatever they deem necessary to him because he has only been treated like gold his entire life. just when i am about to stop harper from lugging him around like the world's heaviest baby doll, as she runs around the corner, i catch a glimpse of those sweet cheeks and the biggest grin i have ever seen and i realize that he is having the time of his life---short as it may be if harper keeps lugging him around with reckless abandon. the times that harper and calvary leave him behind forgotten i will see him dragging himself around as quickly as he can trying to keep up with his beloveds. i still categorize the children in to two groups: 1. harper and calvary 2. oliver jack. harper and calvary have been a duo for so long that it is hard for me to mentally separate the two. however, oliver jack is definitely beginning to find his place within them as an equal and less an accessory.

i took him to the doctor for his check up where he received a finger prick, hep B vaccine, and the flu shot. tara, the nurse at the doctor's office, is like an angel. her empathy for my kids (and i am sure everyone else's) while giving shots has actually brought tears to her eyes and she takes great measures to make sure that they are as pain free as possible and would you guess that he did not cry once?! he was so curious as to what she was doing and then so easily distracted by a cup of crayons that not even one yelp was let out! that does my heart good.

he has taken a little dip on the charts and moved to the 45% for height and to the 50% for weight.

he is still weighing 21 pounds and measuring in at 28 inches. his thighs are about equal to his height, i think. that is just an eye measurement, but the fact that the poor little guy has to wear enormous pants or stretchy pants to fit those thighs gives evidence that he is "breaking the mold" as dr. walker said. he definitely does not fit the body template of the other two. which is unfortunate for the family budget because most of the clothes that we have put away from calvary are not going to fit him this winter. he is wearing mostly 12month clothes and yesterday i put an outfit on him that we recently bought at old navy (so there was no shrink factor) that was an 18-24 months! it was too long, but everywhere else it fit perfectly. crazy.
he loves playing ball. for about the last 4 or 6 weeks he has been sitting and throwing the ball back and forth with whoever will sit and play. it is so funny because his actions are so deliberate. he is without question playing ball! if no one is around to play, he is happy to play ball himself. he will throw it and then go and chase it. and then throw it again. and then chase it again. just like playing fetch, only by himself.
he claps again. he had accomplished this feat only to forget it like babies often do. now he claps anytime someone says the word, "YAY!" he dances. he gives the world's most passionate kisses and he grins at almost everyone.
the only time he is not completely easy to please is when someone has food that they are not sharing with him. he is like a stray puppy that has been fed one to many times and now feels some sort of expectation for the benefactors to oblige his never ending desire for food. when food is involved he can get quite feisty.
another month has passed and with each passing day i am eternally grateful that this baby came into our lives. i have been triply blessed.

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