Friday, January 27, 2012

one of my favorite moments...

our church had a service new year's eve this year and it was probably one of my favorite ways i have ever prepared to the beginning of a new year.  the service was not all night long or even close to the ringing in of the new year; it was a 5:30 or so service and it only lasted an hour.  but it was a precious time for me. 
we sent oliver jack and finley to their classroom and harper and calvary decided to stay with kyle and i in the service. 
calvary wanted me to hold him while we stood to sing and i obliged...the moments where he wants to be held are growing fewer and fewer and i take what i can i sang the lines, "and i'll never know how much it cost to see my sin upon that cross" calvary pressed his ear up against my cheek.  he held his ear there for the duration of worship.  harper had her arms wrapped around my waist with her face nestled perfectly at my hip.  she is at the perfect height where her head seems to be the missing puzzle piece for my slightly curvier figure. 
i am so thankful for the consciousness i had of how perfect this moment was.  i stood their drinking in the gifts that God has so graciously blessed me with and all of the stresses of finances and futures unknown seemed so unimportant. 
it was a small moment where i was able to truly experience the cliche of living in the moment. 
my sensory sensitive boy not covering his ears at the sound of loud not so wonderful singing but instead pulling my face closer and closer to his ear in order to feel the vibrations of my worship.
my oldest child, my gift, my reminder of God's grace, resting lovingly in my arms.
my green-eyed boy standing beside me;he is always supportive and strong enough to make most loads feel light.
it was truly one of my most favorite moments in my life.  so simple.  so perfect. 

1 comment:

Traci said...

love it. Thanks for sharing!