Monday, January 23, 2012

my iphone has taken over my computer...i have enjoyed not having to sit at an actual computer to check email or take a picture or 200.  the only pitfall is that i have not written here. i have so many things that i need to catch up on like christmas...i would like to get that recorded before february.  right now i have coffee to drink, a menu to plan, a grocery list to write, and pajamas to get out of...all before the kids' show goes off.

1 comment:

Traci said...

oh I am glad to know that we live in the same PJ's world! My thought right before I checked your blog... "hmm what comes on after 'Super Why'? Should I go take a shower now or do I have time too..." Obviously I picked your blog. haha.
PS we need to talk about HS I need more info before I can make the decision.