Friday, October 7, 2011

friday musings...

things i am loving about life this week...
  1. finley saying the word "tushie" and pointing to her belly.
  2. harper's missing two front teeth.
  3. playing tag.
  4. the fact that calvary is just about too fast for me to catch him while playing tag.
  5. oliver jack cried for me when someone broke one of my favorite bowls.
  6. listening to calvary read.
  7. good conversations with awesome friends.
  8. my pink lemonade colored mums for my front porch.
  9. the awesome asphalt apron for our driveway...we love it!
  10. watching finley check on anyone that is crying or hurt.
  11. harper's motherly nature as she plays with finley.
  12. snuggling while watching movies with the windows open and cool, fall air breezing in.

1 comment:

Traci said...

OH how I love fall air! Miss you!