calvary has, as of late, been adding more and more words to his repetoire. everyday it seems as if he has learned and mastered a new word. this is exciting because for so long we have wondered what words would come behind his pistol-like actions. calvary is truly either scolding hot or freezing cold. there does not exist an in between with him. one minute he will lovingly caress my face and the next, with seemingly no provocation at all, he will be throwing himself, whatever is in his hand, or whatever is near him towards me, the floor, or any other helpless bystander. it is this guerilla type warfare of love and attack that has had kyle and i worried for months that there may be something slightly amiss with our precious baby boy. most of the times we chalk up our worries as young parent anxiety. however, in this case, calvary's teacher delivered a sobering blow on monday when i picked calvary up from school. she mentioned that, in all 23 years of her experience, she has never seen a child act with such unprovoked rage before. she mentioned several examples of calvary's behavior and although i was glad that she was willing to be honest and frank with me, i was also very unnerved by the conversation. as i sat in my car, i looked back at my little boy and i loved him even more than i did that morning. it was very strange. just the thought of someone misinterpreting, misunderstanding, or just simply missing the beauty of my little baby broke my heart and i wanted to hug him and love him and tell him that it was okay that he was the way he is. i turned around, and in an attempt to show my love, i asked "where is my little baby boy?" calvary's response: "I MAN!" i laughed and loved my beautiful, crazy little man.
ps--although we do totally love calvary just the way he is we are taking him for a consultation to discuss non medicinal techniques for dealing with his behavior. please be praying for us as we try to weed through this overwhelming mess of opinions and suggestions. we always want to do what is best for him...
We will certainly be praying. Calvary is a blessing from God and I know there is a wonderful purpose for his passionate spirit! I am confident that God will direct you and Kyle in this specific situation and shower you with His wisdom and unexplainable peace.
Thanks for sharing your heart.
Cassie and Kyle,
It has been a while since I have seen you guys. I completely understand what you are going through. Jeremy and I have had to seek advice and counsel about how to deal with Ethan. He is very outspoken and spirited. I too, had our daycare teacher tell me when he was a baby that she had never seen such a small baby with a temper like his. It is very hard to hear because we love our children beyond expression and only want others to see them the way we do. I feel like we have been ostracized at time because of Ethans behavior. It is very hard, when judgemental eyes look at you to say, "control your child." If it were only that easy.
Anyway, I just wanted you know that you are not alone. It is very hard being a parent; you just have to do what works best for you and your family when it comes to discipline.
I would love to see you guys. I can't believe how big your kids are.
I found your blog link from Betsy and Steven's. I am glad that you are doing well.
If you ever would like to talk or get coffee sometime, please give me a call. I can definitely relate to what you are going through.
Laura Sing
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