Saturday, January 26, 2008


today at lunch, i was trying to teach calvary how to give a thumbs up. at that moment harper turned, looked at me, showed me her thumb and very seriously said, "i can kill people with only this thumb." i laughed so hard but also tried to explain to her that we cannot say that to people because it could be very offensive. she picked up the little quote watching the Pixar movie Ratatouille. she has started picking up the most obscure parts of commercials and tv shows. i am glad that we have a TV Guardian because that means at least most of the *junk* will be filtered out. if you haven't thought about buying one of these protective, although a bit humorous at times, devices i must say that they are a great way to help monitor the language through tv. our kids do not watch loads of tv, but we have noticed that even the children's movies say things like "shut-up" and "stupid". those words may seem rather innocent but they were not words that we wanted to be a daily part of our 3 year-old's vocabulary. i guess one way to ensure that all together would be no tv at all...but then i wouldn't have funny stories to tell.

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