Saturday, September 7, 2013

Two masters...

This past month or so has been quite the journey. I feel as if we are in full transition mode and it is both liberating and terrifying at the same time. Walking away from our house was pretty much the symbolic shedding of this life I have built here and it was difficult. I never questioned the veracity of what we are doing; had I doubted, we would not have been able to do it I don't think. Yet, we packed up our stuff, moved in with my parents, and have been in transition ever since.
The most awesome part about being in transition is that we are ready. If we were to meet our budget tomorrow we would be ready to go tomorrow. We are ready. There is something so perfectly peaceful about that...being ready. We aren't discontent. We aren't in a hurry. We aren't running away. We are simply ready. Everyday that readiness grows and we learn and are shaped in ways that we didn't know we needed shaping and growing the day before. These kids of mine have been so amazing. I look at them and wonder if I would have been strong enough. I hear them express their concerns like Oliver Jack telling his daddy that he is "sad because he doesn't want him not to have his job but happy because he wants him to be able to help people" and I am just moved to tears...they are growing.
Kyle is growing.
I am growing.
Everyday and in every way we are growing.
As we moved in with my parents, what would be the opposite of the American Dream for most, I have realized even more just how we have been shaped for this moment all of our lives. My parents and Jade made room us (quite literally) and as I sit on the back porch helping feed babies and change diapers I laughed and said to my mom, "if I had a dollar for every baby that was fed and changed out here...." My parents have taken care of children since they were barely not children themselves...I have watched them nurture and love countless children like their own...and all the while they were teaching me that this is how you love people.
We have bounced between the homes of my parents and Kyle's parents over the last month and much like Jade's sweet handmade door banners that welcomed us into the space they made for us, Kyle's mom left tootsie rolls on our pillows the first night we stayed with them...these things may seem small but they represent the bigger truth of just how much they have welcomed us in their homes...
And as I watch Kyle's mom and dad generously share and give what they have with us I realize that this is where Kyle learned to give all that he has with others...
His parents have been shaping him and my parents have been shaping me and all the while God has been using his skillful potter's hands to make us into exactly what he would have us to be.
Just the other day, Harper and I were reading a story for her lessons and it was about a young boy who refused an expensive education because it would require him to dedicate 7 years of his life working for the man after his education. When he refused, the man asked him why and his response was, "I cannot serve two masters." Confused, the man asked who the other master was and the boy told him that he could not properly serve Jesus if his life was already tied to the employer.
Oh my, how this spoke to my heart! This pulling has been the exact name for the symptoms Kyle has felt over the past two years...knowing that God has been calling him out, yet not being to fully answer that call...and the freedom that comes from acknowledging that we cannot serve two masters...and all of this is what keeps it from being scary.
Despite the Aflac commercials that preach fear.
Despite the Merrill Lynch ads that preach financial doom.
Despite the looming truth of our personal inadequacies and past failures.
We do not fear.

We have been raised to love and show generosity.
We have felt His conviction for serving two masters.
We have been given a heart that bleeds for those that need Him.
And mostly we "have not been given a spirit of fear, but of power and of love and of a sound mind" (2 Timothy 1:7)

And for now, this is enough. Because it is all I have...

1 comment:

Traci said...

I feel so blessed to call you my friend! God is and will be doing awesome things through you!