Friday, February 17, 2012

friday's musings...

things i am loving about this week...

  1. unexpected notes of encouragement.
  2. kyle calling kimberly to set up a hair appointment for me for valentine's day...he is so good to me.
  3. making things for my kids.
  4. my new-to-me cricut.
  5. finley peeing in the potty.
  6. finley singing along with any song she hears.
  7. oliver jack crying for me when i am not home.
  8. calvary's zen moment after taking a bath in the dark.
  9. watching felicity on netflix.
  10. my husband making music.
  11. harper picking out valentine's from her collection to give to her siblings so that when she got in the car from school she had something for them.
  12. cooking.
  13. watching harper, calvary, and oliver jack play and laugh with their balloons.
  14. harper giving finley piggy back rides.
  15. oliver jack and calvary coming to snuggle with me after they have already been tucked into bed...i never turn away snuggling :)

1 comment:

Courtney said...

Oh Yaayyy, I was starting to really miss Fridays Musings! You give us encouragement to find the positives in our weeks! Love y'all!!