Tuesday, October 5, 2010



mymonkeybusiness said...

That is adorable.And you should come check out my blog.All you have to do is go to mom or dad's blog and look at what blogs they are friends with and you will see a pic of a girl upside down,and if you scroll over that it will say these words"my monkey business. and if your asking,no I do not no how to become friends with any blog in the world.My blog is cool,awesome and beastly all at the same time!!!!!!!;)And if you are wondering if I am going to the fair 10/5/10 which is towmorrow Yes I am pretty possitive that I am.

Love your lil' sister and only and favorite,Athalia Jade Oliver;)

Traci said...

That is awesome! Just like her Mommy! :)

Melissa said...

That is so stinkin' cute!