Wednesday, July 1, 2009

the innocence of youth...?

the other day we went to a yard sale that some friends of ours were hosting. harper has become quite a fan of yard sales and i have seen a side of her that has surprised me. it does not surprise me that she has a desire to acquire stuff and hoard stuff...but it does surprise me that she is such a little swindler. at the yard sale i mentioned earlier harper made a bee line for an old barbie and the rockers tour bus. this thing must have been awesome in its hay day in the 80s. the exterior is a bright pink with flourescent splatter puffy paint and it even hosts a removable tape deck with a microphone so that a young girl can rock out to 80's hits like john cusack in say anything. it brought back an obvious aire of nostalgia and i was entertained by the idea that harper would enjoy many hours of innocent fun playing with a toy that brought my own generation the same sort of fun...

so imagine my surprise when i walked out to help kyle with some burgers he was grilling and this was the sight i found...

all that is missing is bret michaels, some empty beer cans, and a seperate bus full of disappointed dads.