Friday, February 13, 2009

2 months and counting....

today oliver jack is 2 months old! i keep looking at him and thinking, i do not even know this little boy and he has been here for 2 months already!?

as of 2 months jack-jack:

weighs 13 lbs.
is 24 inches long

sleeps 5-8 hours each night
is very social; smiles, laughs, and coos whenever stimulated
is reaching for objects with his hand and loves to put his entire hand in his mouth
loves to sleep in his bed; the conditions have be just right for this one--soft, warm, and quiet.
is loved fully by his sister and brother---harper and calvary are unbelievably sweet to him. harper is my biggest helper...especially in the car. she acts as mommy in the car; feeding him a bottle in a fix, wiping his mouth if he spits up, putting in his paci if he gets upset, and playing and talking with him if he gets upset. calvary is surprisingly adoring of him. he refers to him as "my baby" and speaks sweetly to him and if he cries he offers his very own, very loved blanket as a source of comfort.

my favorite time with jack jack is the first morning nursing. all is peaceful in the house and it is a quiet time that i can share with just him. there are not many moments that he gets undivided attention, and because he is relatively low maintence, he often gets less attention than the others. it has been harper and calvary for so long (almost 3 full years) that it is hard to imagine a new addition but thankfully oliver jack has been fully embraced and is a perfect "fit" for our family.

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