Monday, November 24, 2008

my children...

i realize that pregnancy brings about many wonderful and complex emotions. i am a very open person; i do not mind sharing details about my life but i have realized that my sharing must be on my own terms. i do not do well with questions. i used to get so frustrated with my dad when i was a teenager and i remember him saying, "i am only asking a question." in my mind, i believe that if i want someone to know something then i will share that information.

i've heard the saying that when a person chooses to be a mother they are choosing to let their heart walk around outside of their body and i interpret that to mean that a mother opens herself up to unparalleled vulnerability. i have to share what i love most in the world with so many other people. i have to listen as other people gloat at how my children, whom i love more than any other person could, cry when it is time to come home because they were having so much fun. i am supposed to grin and nod and cater to their need to feel loved by my kids while ignoring the hurt of sharing my heart with the rest of the while i am so thankful that my children have so many people that love and adore them, i also recognize that i am watching my heart run around outside of my body...

i guess that is why during pregnancy i am a little more (okay a lot more) guarded with information than i usually am. this is the only time that i get with this little one with only me and i selfishly want to enjoy each of those moments with private appreciation. i have not given all details about every appointment or offered up information about every movement or hiccup because this is the only time i have where i will truly have intimate time with this little one that no one else could share. selfishly i want to preserve that time.

it has taken me a while to understand why i am more guarded or peeved by questions concerning pregnancy more so than questions about other life situations, but i finally came to this realization today. being a mother is complicated and the emotions associated with motherhood are more complicated than i ever would have suspected...

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