Friday, November 7, 2008

election day humor part II....

wednesday i informed harper that barack obama became our 44th president. our conversation, verbatim, follows:

Me: Harper, Obama won the election.
Harper: What?!?! (with anger and dismay) George Washington was the best president we ever had!!!
Me: Well, maybe Obama will do a good job too.
Harper: Obama is no good.
Me: We do not know that...we will pray that God will guide him and he will make good choices, right?
Harper: No!

what can i say? the girl loves george washington.


Sandy said...

Cassie, this is hilarious! Thank you for sharing Harper's opinions with us before she is old enough to have her own blog. I'm certain that I'll be a subscriber when she does though!

Have a wonderful weekend!

Sandy said...
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