Friday, December 12, 2014

friday's musings...

i have missed taking the time to put down in words the things that made me happy this, i am back at it.
these are the things i am loving about this week:

1.  the fact that the temperatures here have maintained at mid 70s...making it feel a little bit like, it is really nice not to sweat while i eat.
2.  watching alba shiver when it gets to mid 60s in the evening.
3.  the dream i had about my granny last night.  i woke up this morning forgetting that she was was a sweet time remembering her.
4.  typing this list with a baby on my lap...makes me remember all the blog posts i wrote with finley on my lap.
5.  finley's dance moves for her christmas program.
6. peeking in the kids' classrooms to see them playing, singing, or dancing with the other kids.
7.  finley's spanish...when she gets mad, she lights into people with the ferocious spanish of a telenovela...pretty impressive.
8.  the christmas tree, the snowflakes from the ceiling, the decorations....everything that makes it feel a little bit like normal here.
9.  i haven't had a soda to drink in about 2 weeks...can't remember exactly how long, but i am happy about it.
10. dorky jokes.
11.  watching the movie "The Holiday" of my favorites.
12.  oliver jack telling me that he is sad that he is turning 6 because he knows it makes me a little bit sad.
13.  only having 2 or 3 complete spanish goof ups this week.
14.  family dinners with lots of crazy people around the table.
15.  harper taking broccoli and cheese soup in the largest container i have ever seen with zero hesitation to school..she is the bravest person.
16.  oliver jack's advice to calvary on how to deal with a bully: "bite him."
 17.  life calming down just enough to sit for a few minutes in the morning and have coffee.
18.  having a house full, full of people to love.

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