Friday, April 13, 2012

friday's musings...

things i am loving about this week:

  1.  hearing finley call oliver jack "jack jack".  it has been so long since any of us have called him the name harper gave him while inutero and it was a refreshing dose of nostalgia for this momma's heart.
  2. harper and calvary's reluctance (well reluctance for harper and straight up refusal for calvary) to return to school after spring break.
  3. calvary asking, "when will we have another week like that?".
  4. oliver jack doting on finley.  holding her hand in the car, lightly putting his hand on her back as she walks around the room, pretending like she is faster than him when they race, and looking after her in nursery at church are just a few of my favorites.
  5. finley sleeping in a big girl bed without a huge ordeal...never thought it would happen.
  6. harper.  i woke up this morning just completely in love with this girl...i am thankful for a renewed awareness for just how much i love her.
  7. kyle hunting for bargain books for harper.  i love that he makes special trips just to find her books.
  8. harper's claim that she has read every book in our house.  we have LOTS and LOTS of books.  LOTS.
  9. calvary's star wars sticker book that he works on at night in his bed.
  10. finley's dancing. 
  11. overhearing harper and calvary talking about the healing of the blind man while swinging at the park. 
  12. calvary's overall disgust of jesus putting spitty mud in the man's eyes.
  13. finley's hair in pig tails.
  14. watching finley bounce on the that she thinks she is jumping and two feet never leave the ground at the same time.
  15. calvary's love for spinach leaves...raw.
  16. oliver jack telling me or kyle or harper or finley or calvary that he loves us randomly many times a day.
  17. oliver jack walking around talking about his new favorite weapon, "the cat with nine tails"...i hope he got more from the story than this.
  18. having chloe and emmi come to play for a couple of days of their spring break...getting to take them to eat lunch with harper and calvary.
  19. fun projects to do with my cricut.
  20. painting again...i haven't painted in probably close to 5 years.  fun to have a project to work on that makes me get everything out and dusted.

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