Sunday, May 2, 2010

a lost moment...

today we took the greatest pictures ever of oliver jack. it was a hot day so we put bathing suits on harper and calvary so they could jump on the trampoline while we sprayed them with the water hose. good times. oliver jack loves the water, but i didn't want to send him out in a diaper because they get entirely too swollen and i didn't want him to be naked so i took my next option: (which, oddly, was not a bathing suit) a pair of calvary's underwear.
he was so proud.
he loved that buzz lightyear was on the back and he looked like a dog chasing his tail trying to catch a glimpse of his own rear.
we took pictures. he smiled. we laughed.
and then i came to put them on the computer and realized that i had left my memory card in my computer....meaning...the pictures were not saved.

1 comment:

Betsy said...

Oh man! I totally hate when that happens!

Aren't y'all getting REALLY close to baby #4's arrival? Hope all is going great!!