Saturday, May 22, 2010

a wedding...

(tired baby)

(harper did it for the cake...both pieces.)

(after 8 hours devoted to a wedding, calvary just wanted to go home. thankfully this is as bad as it got.)

(my favorite picture of my mom ever.)

(thanks to christy...both of my boys were dressed for the wedding)

(harper takes a more classic approach to dancing with poppa...)

(while calvary decides to breakdance...)

(here are the socks...)

(here is the happy couple...)
(harper with the bride...)

(calvary with the groom)

words will follow when i am not too tired...

Wednesday, May 12, 2010

athleticism runs deep in their veins...

harper, calvary, cousin chloe, and kyle are all participating on a 4-5 year old t-ball team. we thought that calvary would really enjoy it and we signed harper up thinking that she would have fun regardless of whether it was her favorite thing or not and that calvary would have more fun if she was there. the bonus was chloe signing up and we were able to get them all on the same team. kyle and our friend justin signed on to coach the team and i decided that the conditions could not be suited any better for their first try at america's pasttime. we were slightly worried when calvary started to refer (and still does) to his glove as his "mitten" and even more concerned when harper asked justin if she could wear a skirt or a dress for games. however, after the first practice i was happily surprised with their baseball aptitude. all the kids on the team seem willing to have a good time and most of them run the bases in the right direction. after the first practice, where calvary stopped running the bases long enough to pick and deliver a flower to harper, we decided that running the bases in the right direction is a huge milestone. i've never really enjoyed the sport (cue the tomatoes and boos and anti-american name calling) but somehow, seeing the tiny members of my own family pick up the tools of the trade has made sitting in unbearable heat somewhat fun.

Monday, May 10, 2010

Sunday, May 2, 2010

a lost moment...

today we took the greatest pictures ever of oliver jack. it was a hot day so we put bathing suits on harper and calvary so they could jump on the trampoline while we sprayed them with the water hose. good times. oliver jack loves the water, but i didn't want to send him out in a diaper because they get entirely too swollen and i didn't want him to be naked so i took my next option: (which, oddly, was not a bathing suit) a pair of calvary's underwear.
he was so proud.
he loved that buzz lightyear was on the back and he looked like a dog chasing his tail trying to catch a glimpse of his own rear.
we took pictures. he smiled. we laughed.
and then i came to put them on the computer and realized that i had left my memory card in my computer....meaning...the pictures were not saved.