Friday, June 20, 2008


okay, at the risk of sounding like i've completely lost any attachment with who i once was and who i am now becoming, i've decided to post something that has completely taken on a new meaning for me. i have recently taken up the art of knitting. i have always had an interest in sewing, crocheting, and other areas in that vein but i never had anyone that could show me how to do it. i taught myself how to crochet when i was in middle school and i bought my first sewing machine in college. my friend mariel and i tried our hand at making our own clothes but i never could figure out the patterns and had more luck just sewing without a pattern...i distinctly remember one pair of pajama pants i made that turned out horribly spite of all of this i decided that i would pick up knitting. how sweet, i thought, to knit my precious little one a baby blanket.

so after 4 nights and 3 days of knitting i have 20 inches by 20 stitches. i learned relatively quickly but my mother in law warned me that the process was slow; and boy is it slow. as i sat there one night i looked at kyle and told him that all of this gave me a new perspective on the verse psalm 139:13 "you alone created my inner being. you knitted me together inside my mother." knitting is meticulous work. when i think about how much attention to detail i must have when casting on stitches and all of the other little steps i think about how perfect the verb "knitting" is to describe the process in which God creates us. God does not haphazardly spur on life; he spends time on each and every single cell that goes into each and every single person. that is amazing to me. God has personal interest in each of us before we are born because he took up the painstakingly slow process of knitting in order to create us! he must love us to do all of that and what an amazing thing to remember.

a simple reminder of the wonderfully intimate God we serve...


Anonymous said...

Great post, Cassie (of course all yours are)! It really made me think of how awesome God truly is and how much he cares for much that he would focus on every little detail of creating us. That's awesome. So many times I tend to forget that He meant to make me exactly the way I am. Thanks for writing your thoughts!

Jeff Hudler said...

Hey Cassie,
Cathy Hudler here, you know, Matt's sister-n-law. So, obviously, I checked out your blog. The kids are too cute. I have enjoyed reading your posts. I created a blog of my own. I think it shows you the link but in case not: testimony confirmed is the title. Anyway, hi to Kyle. Enjoy knitting!