Friday, May 4, 2007


today at school the kids received their yearbooks. by kids i mean the students at gaston christian school. it was strange to flip through the back pages of parent dedications and suddenly feel what it must feel like to write those pages. just like the time i put myself in the shoes of the mother of the bride for the first time, this was the first time i looked at a yearbook like a mother instead of like a student. i thought about kyle and how much i love him, and how thankful i am that he makes me laugh; it won't be long until we are all each other has! i read some of the pages and wondered how it could be that some of these parents seemed to barely know their child or maybe seemed to write what they wished their child would have been. other parents speak the very heart of the child i see as their teacher. i pray, that in high school, i know my childrens' hearts. it was also sweet because so many of the kids asked me to sign their yearbooks. they made a pile on my desk and i felt so flattered to be given the honor of signing their books. many of the students were kids that i would have never thought to care about a word i might have to say; it just reminded me that everyone likes to hear an encouraging word from those that have authority over them. it isn't long until my first year of teaching is over and these students have really impacted my life. i love this job and how it is teaching me to love and appreciate my family.

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