an ode to a stroller...
while not the type of "plug" lori and jonathan lovingly offer their son, jonas, i have recently decided to write a sort of ode to my double stroller. the blog, charlotte smarty pants, which offers so much amazing information, just recently posted a message about the her double stroller. her blog made me realize how much i do love my stroller. investing in a good quality stroller is a tough and crucial decision...right up there with choosing a proper name :) when kyle and i realized we would have two small children we decided that we would need to buy a really great double stroller. thankfully, we were at the ideal location to think about such decisions: disney world. disney is like a stroller shopping mall. every make and model can be found at some point in the park.
i remember it as if it were only yesterday.
kyle and i were traveling the hot september day with great lassitude...
epcot's sights were but a haze until...
we spotted it...
a perfect maclaren twin traveller...
the handles were at the perfect height to where neither kyle or i would have to suffer pain as we pushed the bundles of joy nestled safely inside its sleekly designed seats.
it was at the moment we both knew we had found the stroller for us.
that faithful day was three years ago this september and i am proud to say that the love we have for our stroller has only grown.
it folds nicely and fits easily into any (almost--there are still those stores that make if virtually impossible to shop unless you are kid free) store.
it has endured with great fortitude my two children.
so to any mother out there shopping for a stoller of any may be wise to look into a maclaren.